
Mark McClennan, APR, Fellow PRSA

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Mark W. McClennan, APR, Fellow PRSA, is the general manager of C+C's Boston office. C+C is a communications agency all about the good and purpose-driven brands. He has more than 20 years of tech and fintech agency experience, served as the 2016 National Chair of PRSA, drove the creation of the PRSA Ethics App and is the host of

FEELing is an essential part of ethical decision-making: Deirdre Breakenridge

Deirdre Breakenridge, an author, speaker, professor, and communication professional shares some great ethics insight, including:

– What to do ethically when two supervisors give you conflicting orders
– Why FEELing is essential to ethical behavior
– How Millennials, GenZ, GenX and Boomers FEEL differently and what it means
– Why we often fail when we make choices alone

This Week in PR Ethics: 2/13/2020 – The downside of trying to appear ethical, ethical double standards and what happens when you stand up for ethics

Ethics never rests, and neither do great posts and discussion topics. Following are a few of the more interesting ethics articles of the week that look at everything from the downside of trying to appear ethical, ethical double standards, and what happens when you stand up for ethics at work.

What’s Legal Isn’t Always Ethical: Keeping Your Company on the Right Path – Garland Stansell

Garland Stansell, the Chief Communications Officer for Children’s of Alabama, and the 2020 National Chair of PRSA shares his insight on a number of key ethics issues, including:
• Why sharing the bare minimum is often not the best course
• Why you must address issues head on when you are considered guilty by association
• Why we must resist the tyranny of urgency
• How every ethical PR professional can counteract negative perceptions of the profession

The Rising Threat of Disinformation for Hire: Special Interview with Buzzfeed News’ Craig Silverman

Joining me on this week’s episode is Craig Silverman, a reporter at Buzzfeed, who along with two of his colleagues in January wrote one of the most chilling articles I have read in a while, “Disinformation for Hire: How a New Breed of PR Firms is Selling Lies Online”. I wanted to have him as a guest to discuss the article and its implications for communication professionals and society.