
Category: Social Media

Total 8 Posts

PR Ethics: What Happens When There is a Coup?  – Alex Dance

For Ethics Month, I wanted to look at new topics and geographies. Joining me this week is Alex Dance, the Managing Director of ERA Communications in Cambodia.

He discusses several important ethics issues, including:

1) What should you do when clients are even tangentially affiliated with a coup?

2) The state of misinformation in Cambodia

3) The impact of influencers on Cambodians

4) Ethical challenges with clickbait

Transparency and the industrialization of disinformation – Michelle Olson, APR

Michelle Olson, the 2021 national chair of PRSA and the managing director and head of the Phoenix office for Lambert discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) How to fight the constant little drips of ethical challenges we face every day

2) Transparency and the industrialization of disinformation

3) The importance of universal key messaging

Respond, Don’t React to Unethical Behavior – Kami Huyse

Kami Huyse, the CEO of Zoetica, a social media agency, who for me was first and best known as @kamichat discusses a number of important ethics issues including:

1) Why you need to respond and not react to unethical behavior
2) What one question should you ask friends facing difficult situations?

3) Why ethical PR people act like ombudsmen

4) What is the best thing PR pros can do in difficult situations?

What Do You Do When Your Client Pulls A Bait And Switch? – Craig Sender

Craig Sender, the senior director of public and analyst relations at the Copyright Clearance Center and an adjunct professor at Boston University, discusses:

1) What do you do when your client pulls a bait and switch?

2) The three most powerful words when pushing back on inappropriate requests

3) Why we still need timeouts

Ethics, Communications and Technology – Avoiding Techlash: Brandi Boatner

Brandi Boatner, the Social and Influencer Communications Lead global markets for IBM addresses a number of communications ethics issues including:
• How can public relations professionals prepare for techlash?
• What questions should PR pros ask to help avoid unconscious bias in campaigns and AI?
• How can social pros best run an ethical influencer campaign?
• Generational challenges with fake news

PR Ethics Advice for the Future is Found in The Past: Scott Monty

Scott Monty, a neoclassical digital executive who led Ford’s digital and social media discusses:

• The perils of obfuscation
• The top ethics challenges facing communicators today
• How many tech companies are ethically challenged
• Ethics advice from the classics that is still relevant today

Ethical Challenges in Environmental Communications – Gary McCormick

Joining me this week on Ethical Voices is Gary McCormick, APR, Fellow PRSA. He is a past president of PRSA, owns his own consulting firm, previously worked in marketing and public relations for Scripps Networks Interactive, the parent company of cable networks HGTV, Food Network, and the Travel Channel, and

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